As early as 1977, Dr. Heinz-Horst Deichmann decided to provide long-term aid for people in the poorest regions of the world and founded the aid organization wortundtat. With his own funds and the help of a circle of supporters, work with international dimensions has developed over the past decades. The work has continued by the […]

Supporting disadvantaged youth

Not all people in Germany benefit from the country’s current positive economic situation. Disabled teenagers and young adults for example need the care of society. This affects in particular young people with an inherent or developed learning disability, with a physical or mental disability, inadequate school education or with a migration background. Having launched the […]

Social Commitment International

Deichmann feels supporting social projects and helping people in need are an integral part of its identity. Through the aid organisation wortundtat, for example, the company has been supporting people in the poorest regions of the world since 1977. In addition, however, the Deichmann Group also assists projects in the countries in which it operates […]


… is an expression of the Christian values to which the Deichmann family is committed. This includes financing charitable, social and humanitarian projects as well as supporting education, art, culture, science, research and healthcare. This is how the DEICHMANN Foundation reaches people and institutions worldwide. You can find out more about the foundation and how […]

A good deal – guaranteed

In 2009, 38 percent of the German population over 14 years of age visited a local Deichmann shop. This makes Deichmann one of the largest magnets for retail customers, bringing business to the surrounding shops as well. We want our customers to get a good deal every time, and to see us as a good […]

Holding partners to standards

We support work safety, environmental protection and worker health, a ban on discriminatory practices, as well as on child and forced labour, regulated working hours, and clearly regulated compensation. We set obligatory social and environmental standards that supplier companies must abide by. These rules are laid out in the Code of Conduct that Deichmann has […]

Global business stay fair

As a shoe retailer, Deichmann develops its collections largely on its own, and purchases very large quantities directly from producers in about 40 countries. In this way, we can pass low prices on to our customers. But we also want to make sure, above all, that jobs in emerging countries are created sustainably, safely and […]

Sustainability at DEICHMANN

Sustainability has always been a priority for DEICHMANN. And nowadays, a socially and environmentally aware approach is rightly required in business. This is our yardstick too. As a company founded in Essen in 1913 and in family hands without interruption ever since, it is important to us to think and plan on a long-term basis, […]

Reliability in both directions

Through worldwide trade in large quantities, and through direct contracts with shoe producers, Deichmann can get outstandingly good prices. These translate into incomparably low prices in our shops. At the same time, direct contact with our suppliers has another advantage: When we award international contracts, we not only look at the supplier’s quality standards, but […]

Entrepreneurial, independent and cooperative

We want to be the best shoe retailer for our customers. Our employees are our most important partners in achieving this goal. We want to enable them to achieve above-average performance and to act entrepreneurially, independently and in a results-oriented manner in their respective positions. This means, among other things, that we pay above-standard wages, […]